Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Saratoga Geyser Water Bottle Watercolor

I must be getting old, ( I'm 40ish ) because for the last year, I have delved headlong into old timer hobbies, such things like local history and watercoloring. Look out for my crocheted model train geranium coming soon! Anyway, I started with what I know best, still life art, and I got the ball rolling with this water bottle watercolor post;

http://briefingsfromaspacitymetalhead.blogspot.com/2015/04/lately-ive-been-dabbling-with-water.html (Vichy, Geyser, Coesa bottles)

 This has led me on the trail to render a watercolor painting of each spring, in Saratoga Springs, using each spring's respective water. This will be a passion of mine and as long as I live or visit here in Saratoga Springs.
 I recently found (at a second hand store, I'll tell ya where, later, after I go back and buy the rest of 'em ) an unopened bottle of Saratoga Geyser Water, and I decided to crack open the 50? year old bottle and use it for watercoloring! 
 But first, let me tell you a story about Saratoga Geyser Water. 
I'll go back to 1907, when Dr. Strong had a spring for his sanitorium on Circular st.
postcard on ebay

The Hathorns had the Hathorn Spring down the hill  
 (see http://briefingsfromaspacitymetalhead.blogspot.com/2015/08/hathorn-and-hayes-spring-water-colors.html ) 

 Hathorn proved in court that Dr. Strong's pump on his spring affected the flow of the Hathorn Spring. This then, eventually led NY State to step in and ban the pumping of the springs of Saratoga.  Through means of eminent domain, The State began to purchase the springs and land around surrounding them. 

 In 1910, the State started bottling Saratoga Geyser Water. They leased it out to private business until 1933. That year, FDR, a victim of polio, submersed in the advocation of hydrotherapy and it's benefits, converted the land to what is now the Spa State Park. 1936, the Georgian Revival styled Bottling Plant was built, and it's said to have bottled and sold 50 million units, up until it's closing, in 1971.  With modern medicine taking charge, and a study released that found the spa springs to be radioactive, the spa saw a lack of funding from the state, and 1971 was the end of an era for Saratoga Vichy's only competition, NY State (well, there was Perrier) ....
 Saratoga Vichy, a company across Rt. 50, got sued by France, way back in the day, over the name Vichy, that'll be another story. But, I bring it up, because, Saratoga Vichy, who had been in operation since 1876, sued Saratoga Geyser over their name. 

In 1971, Saratoga Vichy tried to buy the defunded Saratoga Geyser, to no avail. The State couldn't sell it, because the state had it's hands tied in a court dispute with their distributors. Come 1979, NY State sells the business to Waters of Saratoga Inc. 
 Saratoga Vichy then sues NY State and Waters of Saratoga Inc., for a laundry list of accusations, namely trademark, unfair competition, etc. 
It was basically thrown out, because Vichy never claimed trademark foul for the last 60 years of Geyser's operation, and now that Geyser is no longer in operation, it's a moot point. The new Saratoga Geyser opened for a few months in 1980, and soon closed for unknown reasons. Ok, got that off my chest, here's the damn watercolor.....

In all it's glory...

 Cracking the 40+ year old bottle!

Getting the water ready, wearing Converse Timbers....



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Great work. Very useful information. If you want to know more about this Search here
