Monday, February 22, 2016

Hathorn Spring # 3 Springwatercolor

Continuing on my springwater color series, I braved the winter cold, (it's not so bad this year) and painted the southernmost spring  in the Saratoga Springs chain of springs. 
Hathorn # 3 should be called # 2, for it was bottled and sold, and was/is known for it's medicinal properties, due to it's cathartic effects. I like how the dictionary (not a physical dictionary, those have gone way of the buffalo) online # 2 describes it purging or cleansing, especially by causing evacuation of the bowels. 

 It's taste is distinct, it's really salty, and has a peppery finish, due to being one of the most mineralized springs, in the chain of springs around Saratoga (Springs). It's so carbonated, the bottles would explode if kept at high temperatures. Many o' tourists got back home to Jersey or where ever, to only find they just delivered a trunk full of luggage, speckled with broken glass and salt water.

Early 1900's postcard

 The water erupts in ever changing intervals that produces an all or nothing, uh, does it work? wait for it.....wait for it...wait for it...... splash!!!....showering splash!!!!!!!! gurgle....splash!!!!
 With the sound and power of a Thruway rest stop's bathroom toilet's flush, it's a mini Lumberjack Splash for the hand. The fountain (that has been relatively the same since the early 1900's) is shallow, so people with big jugs leave with bummer looks on their constipated faces.
 I do suggest trying it, it tastes great! If you don't wanna have to run to the nearest john, (located next to the State Seal spring) just try a dixie cup size, you'll be fine, heheheheh.

 an old postcard 1940's

That sign says that this water was served at the Hall of Springs, 7am to 9pm, and I betcha the Hall of Springs bathroom took no prisoners 7am to 9pm too! 
Person in the photo below contemplates using that green trash can......any port in a storm!



 Got my water ready...

Finished Product!

Check out my other springwater colors, on this lovely blog! Thanks!!!!!