I decided to watercolor paint each available spring in Saratoga Springs, using the water from the respective spring in the painting. Here's my work so far......
Charlie Spring is named after Charles S. Dake, a local businessman, whom along with his wife, Philly, hosted the first fundraiser to create SPAC back in 1962.
The Dakes made their money from pasteurizing milk after local ordinances left smaller farms to scramble for updated equipment. During this time, milk was delivered to houses around Saratoga by several farms, here's a link to that info http://dairy.wisc.edu/PubPod/Reference/Library/Barton.1989.pdf
The Dake's owned and still own Stewart's gas stations that are known for their ice cream, and milk. The Dake's milking empire started just a couple miles west of Saratoga Springs, in Dakestown, a part of Greenfield/Middle Grove, on Dakestown Rd at, you guessed it, Dake's farm. They have been a staple of our community for 100 years now, and sometimes they give free chili on their hot dogs, so keep your eyes and bellies peeled! hahahaha
this one is at a trickle (I'm using the spring water from the spring that I am water coloring.
I'm also using a 1975 Saratoga Racetrack Giveaway cup)
( it's at the Hall Of Springs entrance to SPAC)
Orenda Spring
Orenda is an Iroquois term for a supernatural force in varying degrees, responsible for all actions, in all objects and people.
Here's a link about the word Orenda http://www.jstor.org/stable/658926?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
Orenda is responsible for the huge travertine dome that is made of calcium carbonate, and visible looking south from the SPAC bridge. It has more potassium iodine in it's water content than sea water, if that means anything to you. Don't drink too much, for it has a laxative effect. I picture a thirsty jogger, stopping for a drink, only to realize later, he has more pressing issues at hand than thirst, hahaha I have some sweet shots of Orenda during winter time on my first post on this blog, check it out!
Using this particularly stinky water to paint with, plus a halo of mosquitos, made this painting a bit difficult,
but here it is, a bit cartoony, I think, due to my impatience.
More stories, photos and paintings to come, there's a lot of springs in Saratoga Springs, New York!